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作者:姚前 出版日期:2017年09月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:7123 字 所属丛书:区块链蓝皮书 所属图书:中国区块链发展报告(2017) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:以比特币为代表的私人数字货币,无法有效履行货币的交易媒介、计价单位和价值储藏三项基本职能,自身尚未具备成为真正货币的条件,所以把它定义为“准”数字货币更为准确。从私人数字货币项目的发展趋势来看,ICO(InitialCoinOffering,首次数字货币发行)现象已经无法回避,所以应该尽快在法律上对ICO进行界定,可以考虑从监管沙盒方式入手,逐步构建完整的监管框架,这对于促进整个区块链行业健康发展非常重要。应该从私人准数字货币上升到法定数字货币这样的视野来审... 展开



Abstract:The private digital currency which was represented by bitcoin can not effectively perform the three basic functions of currency trading media,pricing units and value storage. Its own has not yet become a real currency conditions,so it is defined as “quasi-digital currency” more accurate. From the development trend of private digital currency projects,the phenomenon of ICO(Initial Coin Offering,the initial digital currency issue... 展开

Abstract:The private digital currency which was represented by bitcoin can not effectively perform the three basic functions of currency trading media,pricing units and value storage. Its own has not yet become a real currency conditions,so it is defined as “quasi-digital currency” more accurate. From the development trend of private digital currency projects,the phenomenon of ICO(Initial Coin Offering,the initial digital currency issue)has been unable to avoid,and it should be as soon as possible to the legal definition of ICO. We can consider starting from the supervision of sandbox approach,and gradually build a complete regulatory framework,which is to promote the healthy development of the entire blockchain industry is very important. We should look at the problem from the vision of the private quasi-digital currency rose to the legal digital currency,the legal strength of the digital currency embodied in two aspects:First,absorb the advanced and mature digital technology(including the technology innovation of private quasi-digital currency). Second,we should inherit the reasonable connotation of the long-term evolution of the traditional sovereign currency.


