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作者:连玉明 张涛 龙荣远 宋希贤 出版日期:2022年05月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15933 字 所属丛书:大数据蓝皮书 所属图书:中国大数据发展报告No.6 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:新冠肺炎疫情突袭而至,全球数字化进程加速,数字科技在全球广泛应用面临重要契机。2021年爆发的元宇宙进一步加快了人类社会从物理空间向数字空间迁徙的进程,一个更加智能泛在、虚实共生的数字社会正在全面展开,加快社会治理的数字化转型迫在眉睫。目前,已有部分国家和地区纷纷制定相应政策,将开展数字化社会治理作为塑造竞争新优势的重要路径。在数字社会背景下,数字身份成为人们在数字空间生存、互动与社交关系的“化身”,数字公民成为公民在数字世界的映射和副本... 展开



Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the global digitalization process and brought an important opportunity for the wide application of digital technologies in the world. The “metaverse” that emerged in 2021 has further promoted the migration process of human society from physical space to digital space. A more intelligent and ubiquitous digital society is in full swing. Therefore,it is urgent to speed up the digital transformatio... 展开

Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the global digitalization process and brought an important opportunity for the wide application of digital technologies in the world. The “metaverse” that emerged in 2021 has further promoted the migration process of human society from physical space to digital space. A more intelligent and ubiquitous digital society is in full swing. Therefore,it is urgent to speed up the digital transformation of social governance. So far,some countries and regions have formulated corresponding policies,taking digital social governance as an important way to shape new competitive advantages. Against the digital society background,digital identity has become the embodiment of people’s survival,interaction and social relations in the digital space,while digital citizens have become the mapping and copy of citizens in the digital world. With digital identity and digital citizens as the fulcrum,social governance innovation can be instigated with the blessing of digital technologies. This paper,based on this,focuses on the construction and governance of trusted digital identity,as well as the practice of digital citizens,to analyze the transformation of governance space and governance mode in digital society,and to explore the path of building a community of digital social governance,so as to provide reference for the digital transformation of social governance.



连玉明:博士、教授。北京国际城市发展研究院院长。 2001年,创办北京国际城市发展研究院,任北京市人民政府专家咨询委员会委员、京津冀协同发展研究基地首席专家、基于大数据的城市科学研究北京市重点实验室主任。曾担任北京2008年奥运功能区发展规划首席规划师、北京奥运中心区环境建设总规划师、北京奥运会残奥会奥运医疗卫生保障工作顾问。提出的“城市价值链理论”被誉为世界三大竞争力理论之一。代表作为《城市的觉醒》《城市的战略》《城市的智慧》“新城市主义三部曲”等。 2014年,创办贵阳创新驱动发展战略研究院,任贵阳市委市政府首席战略顾问、大数据战略重点实验室主任、中国政法大学数权法研究中心主任。代表作为《块数据》《数权法》《主权区块链》“数字文明三部曲”和《大数据蓝皮书:中国大数据发展报告》(No.1~No.5)等。主编出版的《数典:大数据标准术语体系》和《大数据百科术语辞典》是全球首部全面系统研究大数据标准术语的多语种智能化专业工具书。 现为第十三届全国政协委员、提案委员会委员,第十一届、第十二届北京市政协委员,第十一届、第十二届、第十三届、第十四届北京市朝阳区政协副主席。荣获“北京市劳动模范”“首都劳动奖章”“北京市有突出贡献的科学、技术、管理人才”称号。



