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作者:朱永彪 魏丽珺 出版日期:2021年10月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14451 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:扩员后的上合组织迎来了组织发展的新阶段,阿富汗问题与上合组织的关系在成员增加及美国撤军的背景下显得更加重要和急迫。从上海合作组织和阿富汗两个视角出发对两者间的关系进行把握和评析,将会有助于理解上海合作组织在阿富汗问题上的作为及其前景。上海合作组织在阿富汗问题上的需求主要源于阿富汗的身份及其地缘重要性;阿富汗对上海合作组织的需求主要源于上海合作组织的身份及其组织资源。二者的相互需求以对称性和非对称性并存为特征,相互需求的对称性决定了上海... 展开



Abstract:After the expansion of the SCO ushered in a new stage of organizational development,Afghanistan and the relationship between the SCO in the context of increased membership and the withdrawal of U.S. troops appear more important and urgent. Grasping and evaluating the relationship between the two from the perspectives of the SCO and Afghanistan respectively will help to understand the SCO’s actions and prospects on Afghanistan issue.... 展开

Abstract:After the expansion of the SCO ushered in a new stage of organizational development,Afghanistan and the relationship between the SCO in the context of increased membership and the withdrawal of U.S. troops appear more important and urgent. Grasping and evaluating the relationship between the two from the perspectives of the SCO and Afghanistan respectively will help to understand the SCO’s actions and prospects on Afghanistan issue. The needs of the SCO in Afghanistan stem mainly from the identity of Afghanistan and its geographical importance,and the needs of the SCO for Afghanistan mainly derive from the identity of the SCO and its organizational resources. The mutual demand of the two is characterized by the coexistence of symmetry and asymmetry. The symmetry of mutual demand determines the policy direction and policy focus of the SCO in Afghanistan,while the asymmetry of mutual demand determines the size of the SCO’s actions on Afghanistan.



