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作者:王巧荣 出版日期:2022年04月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20897 字 所属丛书:中国周边关系蓝皮书 所属图书:中国与周边国家关系发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:亚太地区是当今世界主要力量主体汇聚之地,亚太格局某种程度上是当今世界格局的缩影。作为当今世界第二大经济体,中国的快速发展对世界格局特别是亚太格局产生了重要影响。2020年,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情对世界经济产生严重冲击,美国是受冲击最重的主要国家之一。中国最先控制住疫情,经济率先开始复苏,是当年唯一一个经济呈正增长的主要经济体。鉴于世界格局具有相对稳定性、客观性等特征,世界局势近年来的新变化并没有使冷战后“一超多强”的世界格局发生实质性变化... 展开



Abstract:The Asia Pacific region is the gathering place of the main Powers in today’s world. To some extent,the Asia Pacific structure is the epitome of today’s world structure. As the world’s second largest economy,China’s rapid rise has had an important impact on the world structure,especially the Asia Pacific structure. COVID-19 had an impact on the world economy,especially the United States in 2020. China was the only major economy... 展开

Abstract:The Asia Pacific region is the gathering place of the main Powers in today’s world. To some extent,the Asia Pacific structure is the epitome of today’s world structure. As the world’s second largest economy,China’s rapid rise has had an important impact on the world structure,especially the Asia Pacific structure. COVID-19 had an impact on the world economy,especially the United States in 2020. China was the only major economy with positive economic growth in that year. In view of the relative stability and objectivity of the international structure,the new changes in the world situation in recent years have not substantially changed the international structure of one superpower and many powers after the cold war. The political security structure in the Asia Pacific region is still dominated by the United States,and China’s position in the Asia Pacific economic structure is constantly improving. However,it has not formed an influence equivalent to its economic strength due to the constraints of some factors.


