文章摘要:近年来,尽管中国和摩洛哥两国都面临着新冠肺炎疫情冲击、国际和地区局势变动以及全球经济下滑等不利因素,但中摩始终保持高层战略引领,将中国的“一带一路”倡议与摩洛哥的“工业发展加速计划 2014—2020”等发展战略进行对接,发挥了双边优势互补功能,在“一带一路”的“五通”建设中取得了较大进步。展望未来,中国提出的“双循环”新发展格局将会为中摩“一带一路”合作打开新的局面。
Abstract:Although,in resent years,China and Morocco are facing adverse effects of COVID-19 impact,international and regional situation changes and global economic downturn and so on,China and Morocco maintain high-level strategic guidance,align “the Belt and Road” initiative with Morocco “2014-2020 Industrial Development Acceleration Plan” and so on,give full play to their complementary advantages and make great progress in the “fiv... 展开