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作者:任弘 出版日期:2022年03月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21199 字 所属图书:华侨华人文献学刊(第九辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文将时间设定在1945~1975年的30年,以二战结束为起点,菲律宾实现“全面菲化”并与中华人民共和国建交为终点。菲律宾先后经历西班牙和美国的殖民统治以及日本的短暂占领,独立前由于美西交战、闽南政局不稳、日军迫害等原因,菲律宾华侨人口数量起起落落。菲律宾独立后,虽采取严厉的移民政策,但华人人口仍有所增加,同时,华人开始融入当地,华侨社会由移民社会向公民社会转变。起初,西班牙为了便于统治,限定华侨聚居地,使菲律宾出现了华侨社会,后来,由于侨团、... 展开



Abstract:This paper sets the time in the 30 years of 1945-1975,taking the end of World War II as the starting point,and the Philippines realizes the “full Philippineization” and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China as the end point. The Philippines was colonized by the United States in the wake of Spanish colonial rule,and experienced a brief occupation by Japan. Before the independence of the Phi... 展开

Abstract:This paper sets the time in the 30 years of 1945-1975,taking the end of World War II as the starting point,and the Philippines realizes the “full Philippineization” and the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China as the end point. The Philippines was colonized by the United States in the wake of Spanish colonial rule,and experienced a brief occupation by Japan. Before the independence of the Philippines,due to the war between the United States and Spain,the political instability in southern Fujian,the persecution by the Japanese army,the number of Filipino Chinese has been changing. After the independence of the Philippines,although it took a strict immigration policy,the number of Filipino Chinese has been increased,at the same time,the Chinese began to integrate into the local area,and the Chinese society changed from an immigrant society to a civil society. At the outset,for convenient management,Spanish colonial government took steps to restrict personal residence of Filipino Chinese,which led to the beginning of the formation of the Chinese society in the Philippines. Afterwards,due to the successive establishment of the Overseas Chinese Group,Overseas Chinese Newspaper,and Overseas Chinese School,coupled with the protection of the home country’s consul,the Chinese society has gradually matured. The first overseas Chinese school in the Philippines was co-founded by the Qing government’s consulate and the Chinese society. Then,in order to promote overseas Chinese education,the Overseas Chinese Education Association was established to assist the Chinese society in setting up schools. The key to the Overseas Chinese Education Association’s ability to play such an important role is that it coordinated the “additional education donations” of the overseas Chinese society,which was one of the important sources of funding for overseas Chinese schools in the Philippines before World War II.


