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作者:课题组 出版日期:2022年03月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17099 字 所属丛书:投资蓝皮书 所属图书:中国投资发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“双碳”目标不仅体现了我国应对全球气候变化的积极努力和贡献,也是中国经济实现高质量发展的必由之路。推进“双碳”目标将有效促进中国产业结构和经济发展模式的转型与升级,并将对我国经济高质量发展和构建新发展格局产生深远影响。当然,为实现“双碳”目标所采取的“能耗双控”措施,不可避免在短期也会对经济增速造成一定冲击。积极发展和完善绿色金融体系,建立与国际接轨的绿色金融国家标准,有助于推动我国经济早日跨入可持续发展轨道。未来实现“双碳”发展目标... 展开



Abstract:Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals show China’s positive efforts and contributions to dealing with global climate change,and it is also the only way for China’s economy to move towards high-quality development. Promoting the “dual carbon” goal will effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of China’s industrial structure and economic development model,and will have a far-reaching impact on promoting China’s ... 展开

Abstract:Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals show China’s positive efforts and contributions to dealing with global climate change,and it is also the only way for China’s economy to move towards high-quality development. Promoting the “dual carbon” goal will effectively promote the transformation and upgrading of China’s industrial structure and economic development model,and will have a far-reaching impact on promoting China’s high-quality economic development and building a new development pattern. Of course,the “dual control of energy consumption” measures taken to achieve the “dual carbon” goal will inevitably have a certain negative impact on economic growth in the short term. China should vigorously develop green finance,improve the green financial system as soon as possible,and establish a national standard of green finance in line with international standards,which will help to promote China’s economy to enter the track of sustainable development as soon as possible. To achieve the “dual carbon” goal in the future,we should not only pay attention to the investment in the field of green technology,but also pay attention to the investment in the technology required for the transformation and upgrading of traditional technology,but also pay attention to the opportunities brought by the “dual carbon” goal to economic transformation and the development of digital economy.



