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作者:阿拉坦 〔蒙〕德·巴扎尔道尔吉 出版日期:2021年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10405 字 所属丛书:蒙古国蓝皮书 所属图书:蒙古国发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:In recent years,China-Mongolia economy and trade have shown a slower growth in total trade volume,Mongolia’s trade surplus with China has been expanding,the complementarity of the two countries’ trade structures has been increasing,and the overall investment volume in Mongolia has declined and the investment structure There has been a relatively concentrated situation. Especially in the coal trade,Mongolia is highly dependent o... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,China-Mongolia economy and trade have shown a slower growth in total trade volume,Mongolia’s trade surplus with China has been expanding,the complementarity of the two countries’ trade structures has been increasing,and the overall investment volume in Mongolia has declined and the investment structure There has been a relatively concentrated situation. Especially in the coal trade,Mongolia is highly dependent on China,and China also prefers Mongolia’s coal prices and media indicators. Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020,various trade volumes between China and Mongolia have also shrunk. In the first quarter of 2020,the border trade between border residents was in a state of “closed business” and began to gradually recover and normalize in June.



