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作者:〔肯〕奥凯时·克里斯多福·奥杜尔 赵晓临 符裕 顾欣怡 出版日期:2021年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22294 字 所属图书:非洲研究 2021年第1卷(总第17卷) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:无论是考察中非文化融合中各自主流文化特征为何,还是考察国家文化差别对两国经济合作的影响,都尚未引起足够重视。本文探讨中国和肯尼亚两国国家文化对“一带一路”倡议的可持续发展的影响,希望引发文化融合理论内的学科讨论。在众多文化维度理论中,霍夫斯泰德文化维度模型(Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory)虽暂缺肯尼亚境内“全球化程度”“宗教”“是否有长期规划”“自身放纵程度”的资料,但仍是较为合适的模型。文化融合的现状是中国和肯尼亚两国文化在... 展开

文章摘要:无论是考察中非文化融合中各自主流文化特征为何,还是考察国家文化差别对两国经济合作的影响,都尚未引起足够重视。本文探讨中国和肯尼亚两国国家文化对“一带一路”倡议的可持续发展的影响,希望引发文化融合理论内的学科讨论。在众多文化维度理论中,霍夫斯泰德文化维度模型(Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory)虽暂缺肯尼亚境内“全球化程度”“宗教”“是否有长期规划”“自身放纵程度”的资料,但仍是较为合适的模型。文化融合的现状是中国和肯尼亚两国文化在“权力距离”和“不确定性规避”方面差异很大,但在“集体主义/个人主义”和“社会男性化程度”方面很相似,两国文化上的关联方式最可能给“一带一路”倡议的可持续推进带来困扰。但鉴于在新冠肺炎疫情期间中国给予肯尼亚的支持,如若可以在中国境内建立与在肯孔子学院相当的肯尼亚文化中心,将有助于“一带一路”倡议的可持续推进并增进两国更深层次的文化融合。


Abstract:Synthesizing cultures to determine dominant traits and their comparison between countries on impact of joint economic venture has elicited less interest. The Paper aimed to trigger theoretical discourse on cultural synthesis comparing China and Kenya relating dominant cultural traits to sustainability of Belt and Road Initiative. Among other cultural dimension measurements,Hofstede’s model was considered more favourable lest globali... 展开

Abstract:Synthesizing cultures to determine dominant traits and their comparison between countries on impact of joint economic venture has elicited less interest. The Paper aimed to trigger theoretical discourse on cultural synthesis comparing China and Kenya relating dominant cultural traits to sustainability of Belt and Road Initiative. Among other cultural dimension measurements,Hofstede’s model was considered more favourable lest globalization,religion,long term orientation and indulgence cultural parameters that were missing on the Kenyan context. Resultant cultural synthesis depicts that Chinese and Kenyan cultures are diverse in power distance and uncertainty avoidance but similar under individualism,masculinity hence the cultural link to sustainability of BRI is problematic,however this would be unlocked by ongoing China support to Kenya in mitigating COVID-19 pandemic and setting up of a Kenya culture centre in China with the similar style of the Confucius institutes in Kenya.



〔肯〕奥凯时·克里斯多福·奥杜尔:奥凯时·克里斯多福·奥杜尔(Okech Christopher Oduor),英国利物浦大学经济管理硕士,肯尼亚莫伊大学执行教务长。


