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作者:任新红 任军 出版时间:2021年12月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17847 字 所属图书:中国非洲研究评论(总第九辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中非命运共同体背景下的中非关系发展为中国高校对非合作提供了发展机遇。本文以简·奈特对高等教育国际化研究的视角,对我国高校国际化中的对非合作进行了分析。高校依托各自优势,开展了国际学生教育、学生交流、学术交流、科研合作、高校之间的合作、校企之间的合作、援外培训、定制培训等多形式的活动。然而目前,国际范围内对非教育合作对我国高校形成了激烈竞争,非洲国家的政治和社会环境问题也影响了我国高校对非合作的积极性。同时,高校在自身发展中如何定位对非... 展开



Abstract:The development of Sino-African relations against the backdrop of the China-Africa CommunityWith a Shared Future provides opportunities for China’s higher education institutions (HEIs) to cooperate with Africa. This article analyzes the cooperation with Africa in the internationalization of HEIs from the perspective of Jane Knight’s framework on the internationalization of higher education. With their advantages,Chinese HEIs cond... 展开

Abstract:The development of Sino-African relations against the backdrop of the China-Africa CommunityWith a Shared Future provides opportunities for China’s higher education institutions (HEIs) to cooperate with Africa. This article analyzes the cooperation with Africa in the internationalization of HEIs from the perspective of Jane Knight’s framework on the internationalization of higher education. With their advantages,Chinese HEIs conduct cooperation with Africa,in various forms,such as international student education,student exchanges,academic exchanges,scientific research cooperation,collaborations among universities,university-enterprise collaboration,international training,customized training,etc. However,China’s HEIs are facing competition among international community in conducting cooperation with Africa. Meanwhile,the political and social problems in African countries have negative impacts on China’s HEIs’ enthusiasm of conducting cooperation with Africa. To move forward,China’s HEIs should seize the opportunities of Sino-African relations,improve the level of international students by enhancing education and management quality of international students education. At the same time,they should enhance their own overall quality. In such a process,focus should be placed on long-term development instead of individual programs. It is also a better approach for HEIs to integrate cooperation with Africa into their overall development planning,and enhance faculty and students’ understanding about cultural diversity. Meanwhile,HEIs should develop cross-border education in various ways to export China’s high-quality higher education resources. Finally,it is also vital to boost cooperation with other universities and enterprises,and pay close attention to local needs and strategic planning in Africa.




