文章摘要:当前,外空活动中的网络安全未受到应有重视,相关国际规则研究和制定相对滞后。外空活动网络安全国际规则的客体是外空活动中的网络行为,主要指利用网络手段攻击、侵入、干扰和破坏卫星等空间资产及其地面基础设施。外空活动网络安全国际规则与外空法和网络法,是特别法与普通法的关系。外空法中的基本原则和规则如和平利用原则、妥为顾及义务在外空网络活动领域有具体要求,如不得在天体上建立军事网络设施和基地、试验网络武器或进行军事网络演习。外空及天体上的军事网... 展开
Abstract:Military network activities in outer space and celestial bodies are not prohibited,but all the human activities should abide by the principle of self-restraint and self-control. Moreover,the jurisdiction of other countries on space assets,such as satellites and their ground facilities,shall be respected,while malicious use of information technology to damage safety of space objects shall be prohibited. The attribution of network ... 展开