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作者:李林栖 出版日期:2021年11月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17305 字 所属丛书:东盟文化蓝皮书 所属图书:东盟文化发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:巴基斯坦与东盟国家间有着广泛的人文交流,双方在包括宗教、教育、舞蹈、音乐、戏剧、饮食等多个领域开展了多种活动,帮助双方民众提升对对方国家的了解,有效拉近国家与民众之间的距离。以宗教为主题的人文交流是双方人文交流活动的最大亮点。由于巴基斯坦国民以穆斯林为主,因而与同样以穆斯林为主的马来西亚、印度尼西亚等国关系紧密,互相开展的人文交流活动也更多。除伊斯兰教外,国内丰富的佛教与锡克教遗存也成为巴基斯坦与东盟国家开展人文交流的重要资源。现阶段... 展开



Abstract:Between Pakistan and ASEAN countries there are extensive cultural exchanges. The two sides have carried out a variety of activities in many fields including religion,education,dance,music,drama,food,etc. The activities help to increase the understanding of the people of both sides about each other’s country and effectively bring them closer. Religious-related People-to-people exchanges are the biggest highlight of the people-to... 展开

Abstract:Between Pakistan and ASEAN countries there are extensive cultural exchanges. The two sides have carried out a variety of activities in many fields including religion,education,dance,music,drama,food,etc. The activities help to increase the understanding of the people of both sides about each other’s country and effectively bring them closer. Religious-related People-to-people exchanges are the biggest highlight of the people-to-people exchanges between the two sides. Since most Pakistanis are mainly Muslims,Pakistan has developed close relations with countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia,which also have a population of mainly Muslims. The cultural exchange activities carried out between these countries are also relatively more in number. In addition to Islam,the rich remains of Buddhism and Sikhism in the country have also become important resources for Pakistan to carry out cultural exchange activities with ASEAN countries. At the current stage,the level of people-to-people exchanges between Pakistan and ASEAN countries is still low,especially since there are few cultural activities from Pakistan. However,as Pakistan continues to improve its domestic security environment,raise its level of economic development,and attach more importance to cultural exchange activities,people-to-people exchanges between Pakistan and ASEAN countries will become more colorful and fruitful.


