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作者:江思羽 出版日期:2022年01月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22540 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年以来,气候变化并未因新冠肺炎疫情而止步,频发的气候极端事件造成了大量人员伤亡与财产损失,应对气候变化的关键时刻已经到来。尽管如此,全球应对气候变化仍取得了一定进展。一方面,可再生能源逆势增长,成为发电量唯一净增长的能源类型;气候融资大幅增加,国际金融机构表现瞩目。另一方面,应对气候变化的国际进程总体稳步推进——国际社会举办了数次重要会议共同商讨应对气候变化的具体事宜,越来越多的国家和企业宣布了碳中和承诺,碳定价正在成为应对气候变... 展开



Abstract:Since 2020,climate change has not been stopped by the Covid-19 pandemic,and frequent extreme climate events have caused numerous casualties and property losses. The critical moment to address climate change has arrived. Despite this,the global response to climate change has made some progress. On the one hand,renewable energy bucked the trend,becoming the only type of energy with a net increase in electricity generation. Climate ... 展开

Abstract:Since 2020,climate change has not been stopped by the Covid-19 pandemic,and frequent extreme climate events have caused numerous casualties and property losses. The critical moment to address climate change has arrived. Despite this,the global response to climate change has made some progress. On the one hand,renewable energy bucked the trend,becoming the only type of energy with a net increase in electricity generation. Climate finance has increased significantly,and the performance of international financial institutions has been remarkable. On the other hand,the international progress of addressing climate change has been progressing steadily in general - the international society has held several important meetings to discuss specific matters to tackle climate change,more and more countries and companies have announced carbon neutral commitments,carboning pricing is becoming a significant tool to address climate change,and governments are taking climate change as an opportunity to start formulating sustainable recovery plans. Looking ahead,the global response to climate change faces both opportunities and challenges. Countries around the world should work together to meet the challenges of climate change,earnestly implement the emission reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement,and build a net-zero future through international cooperation.


