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作者:章雅荻 出版日期:2021年11月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19235 字 所属丛书:非传统安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国非传统安全研究报告(2020~2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:全球化的发展推动了人口日益频繁的跨国流动,几乎没有国家可以完全置身于移民浪潮之外。绝大部分国家同时扮演着移民输出国、输入国和中转国的角色。移民群体的非国民性、高流动性以及高异质性的特点使得各国在享受着“移民红利”的同时,也面临着移民问题的严峻挑战。因此,国际移民问题已经成为国际社会和各国政府所面临的重要治理议题之一。新冠病毒的境外输入风险打破了传统移民治理中的“领土陷阱”,迫使移民治理从理念、方法、路径等多方面进行升级转化。这一“升级... 展开



Abstract:The development of globalization has promoted the increasingly frequent cross-border flow of population. Few countries can completely stay out of the wave of immigration. Most countries play the roles of sending,importing and transit countries at the same time. The characteristics of non-nationals,high mobility and high heterogeneity of immigrant groups make all countries not only enjoy the “immigration dividend”,but also face th... 展开

Abstract:The development of globalization has promoted the increasingly frequent cross-border flow of population. Few countries can completely stay out of the wave of immigration. Most countries play the roles of sending,importing and transit countries at the same time. The characteristics of non-nationals,high mobility and high heterogeneity of immigrant groups make all countries not only enjoy the “immigration dividend”,but also face the severe challenge of immigration. Therefore,the issue of international migration has become one of the important governance issues of the international community and governments. Recently,COVID-19’s overseas entry risk has broken the territorial trap in traditional immigration governance,forcing immigration governance to upgrade and transform from concept,method and path. This upgrading and transformation is reflected in the in-depth discussion of the theoretical connotation of immigration governance,the model types of immigration governance and the applicable situations. At present,China’s immigration governance has internal problems such as inadequate governance concept,single governance model and limited governance strategy. It also faces many external challenges coming from four levels of wide source,subculture,extrajudicial and sudden. China’s immigration governace could be improved by enhancing internal governance capacity to respond to external challenges,and actively participating in global migration governance and transnational multilateral cooperation mechanisms so as to promote the safe,orderly and dignified flow of Chinese immigrants.



