文章摘要:在全球急速扩散的新冠肺炎疫情,倒逼人类全方位重审人类的当下治理方式及未来治理走向。世界各国在应对这一非常态危机的“大考”中,都不同程度地存在领导缺位、决策失误、行政低效、话语霸权、文化冲突、伦理危机、法治缺失、学术失信等系列问题,凸显了深度全球化进程中的自由与自制、安全与发展、规制与权力、私域与公域、相互依赖与利益自保、政治正确与实质正义之间内在冲突的根本困境。这更加凸显了全球面对共同挑战时“相互确保安全”的重要性。因此,“安全互保”... 展开
Abstract:The COVID-19 crisis that has spread rapidly across the world at the beginning of 2020 has forced mankind to review the current governance methods and future governance trends of mankind in an all-round way. In the “big exam” of this abnormal crisis,all countries in the world have manifested problems to varying degrees,including the politicization of the epidemic,the absence of leadership,decision-making errors,administrative in... 展开