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作者:刘元玲 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:25370 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:78岁的乔·拜登就任美国第46任总统,气候问题重归美国内政外交的重要位置。拜登竞选期间高举“积极应对气候变化”的旗帜,就职后在内政和外交两个维度开启“全政府积极应对气候变化”的序幕,将气候议题置于美国外交和国家安全的中心,在双边和多边气候外交中重新发力,并提出一系列减排、减缓、适应的举措。民主党与共和党轮流执政的现实给美国气候政策的反复摇摆提供了制度性解释空间,在“后特朗普”时代,拜登政府的气候政策引发国际社会的广泛关注。气候问题高调回归... 展开



Abstract:Joe Biden,78,took office as the 46th president of the United States. There has been a new turn in U.S. climate policy,which is reflected not only in Biden and his cabinet members’ cognition and position on climate issues,but also in the strategic deployment of the Biden administration’s climate policy at home and abroad. After taking office,he started the prelude of “actively responding to climate change by the whole governmen... 展开

Abstract:Joe Biden,78,took office as the 46th president of the United States. There has been a new turn in U.S. climate policy,which is reflected not only in Biden and his cabinet members’ cognition and position on climate issues,but also in the strategic deployment of the Biden administration’s climate policy at home and abroad. After taking office,he started the prelude of “actively responding to climate change by the whole government” in the two dimensions of internal and foreign affairs. He put the issue of climate change at the center of U.S. diplomacy and national security,made new efforts in bilateral and changeable climate diplomacy,and put forward a series of measures of emission reduction,mitigation and adaptation. In the post-Trump era,Biden administration’s climate policy has aroused widespread concern of the international community. The high-profile return of climate issues to the US political agenda will have an impact on the US and global climate governance.


