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作者:赵行姝 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19531 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:得益于页岩技术发展,2009年以来美国石油产业持续扩张,石油产量大幅增加。与全球多数产区相比,美国石油的生产成本较高,但也具有一定优势或竞争力:一是石油成本下降速度很快;二是石油价格弹性较大;三是美国生产的轻质、低硫原油是一种较为清洁的产品。美国石油产业发展面临明显的挑战。2020年初,新冠肺炎疫情暴发导致短期内全球供应链中断,石油需求急剧下降,原油价格急剧下跌,美国石油行业也因此陷入困境。长期来看,新冠肺炎疫情开始改变部分经济活动的形态,全... 展开



Abstract:Due to advanced shale technology,the U.S. oil industry has continued to expand since 2009,with oil production increasing dramatically. Compared with other producers in the world,the production cost of the U.S. crude oil is higher,but it also has some competitiveness. First,the cost of the tight oil is falling fast. Secondly,the price elasticity of the demand for tight oil is higher. Thirdly,the tight oil is cleaner. The US oil ... 展开

Abstract:Due to advanced shale technology,the U.S. oil industry has continued to expand since 2009,with oil production increasing dramatically. Compared with other producers in the world,the production cost of the U.S. crude oil is higher,but it also has some competitiveness. First,the cost of the tight oil is falling fast. Secondly,the price elasticity of the demand for tight oil is higher. Thirdly,the tight oil is cleaner. The US oil industry is facing huge challenges. In 2020,the COVID-19 outbreak caused short-term disruptions in the global supply chain,a sharp drop in oil demand,and a sharp drop in crude oil prices,which put the US oil industry in a difficult position. Besides,the COVID-19 changes some economic activities,and the global low-carbon transformation will be irreversible. They both have a long-term impact on oil demand. In addition,the policy uncertainty caused by the US political pendulum is not conducive to the oil industry and its long-term investment. U.S. oil companies cut investment and reduced exploration,development and production,which will lead to a slower pace of U.S. oil expansion.


