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作者:张帆 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17080 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年,在升级对华信息舆论战、恶化中美关系氛围的背景下,特朗普政府在高技术、地缘战略和意识形态领域不断升级对华战略竞争。中国政府对此进行了针锋相对的斗争,中美战略竞争升级。特朗普政府积极部署对华科技战,全面升级在高技术领域的对华施压举措,促使中国将“自主创新”提升到新的战略高度。美国加速将南海和台湾纳入其“印太战略”轨道,中美围绕南海问题和台湾问题的较量不断升级。在意识形态领域,中美在香港、新疆问题上的斗争日趋激烈。拜登入主白宫后,战... 展开



Abstract:The atmosphere of Sino-U.S. relation deteriorated further in 2020 due to the Trump administration’s escalating information warfare towards China. Against this backdrop,the Trump administration escalated its strategic competition with China in the fields of high technology,geostrategy,and ideology. The Chinese government has engaged in a tit-for-tat counter-measures in response,and the strategic competition between China and U.S. ... 展开

Abstract:The atmosphere of Sino-U.S. relation deteriorated further in 2020 due to the Trump administration’s escalating information warfare towards China. Against this backdrop,the Trump administration escalated its strategic competition with China in the fields of high technology,geostrategy,and ideology. The Chinese government has engaged in a tit-for-tat counter-measures in response,and the strategic competition between China and U.S. has escalated. The Trump administration actively deploys a comprehensive science warfare towards China,and in response,Chinese government elevated “indigenous innovation” to a new strategic height;The United States speeded up the integration of Taiwan into America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy,and the Sino-U.S. confrontations with respect to South China Sea and Taiwan has been escalating;In the ideological field,the Sino-U.S. struggles focused on Hong Kong and Xinjiang has become increasingly fierce. After the 2020 presidential election,strategic competition will remain the dominant theme in Sino-U.S. relation,but the Biden administration would adopt more multilateral approaches to compete with China. In the future,the form of strategic competition between China and the United States will be more complex and volatile.


