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作者:中国电力建设企业协会 出版日期:2021年08月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16100 字 所属丛书:工程建设蓝皮书 所属图书:中国工程建设行业发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年是中国电力建设行业应对全球疫情不利形势、持续深化企业改革、深入开展提质增效的一年。虽然境外营业收入有所减少,但其他各项经济技术指标依然有较大幅度的增长,充分显示了中央果断实施“以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进”的新发展格局的成效,电力建设行业及电力建设工程总体保持了平稳向好的发展态势。本报告梳理了电力建设行业发展的基本情况,总结出主要指标力保增长、增收创利多点发力、国内市场再创新高、积极服务“一带一路”建设、多措并举拓... 展开



Abstract:2020 is a year for the national power construction industry to cope with the adverse situation of global epidemic,continuously deepen the enterprise reform and carry out the improvement of quality and efficiency. Although the overseas business income has decreased,other economic and technical indicators still have a large growth,which fully shows the effectiveness of the central government’s decisive implementation of the new deve... 展开

Abstract:2020 is a year for the national power construction industry to cope with the adverse situation of global epidemic,continuously deepen the enterprise reform and carry out the improvement of quality and efficiency. Although the overseas business income has decreased,other economic and technical indicators still have a large growth,which fully shows the effectiveness of the central government’s decisive implementation of the new development pattern of “focusing on domestic and domestic major cycles and promoting the international and domestic double cycles mutually”,and the power construction industry and power construction process have maintained a steady and positive development trend. One belt,one road,one more effort to increase profits,more profits,more innovation,more domestic market,more active services,“incremental development”,“incremental development”,“enhanced innovation”,and “quality improvement” are also summarized. The problems in the development of the industry are pointed out,such as the problems of overcapacity,low profit rate,strict qualification performance restriction,the need for improvement of industry supervision,unclear strategy of “transformation and upgrading”,insufficient upgrading of industrial chain development,insufficient scientific and technological investment and innovation drive,and inflexible market-oriented operation mechanism. Combined with the actual situation,the paper puts forward some suggestions on promoting the development of enterprises in the “14th five year plan”,promoting the steady operation level,improving the marketing ability and promoting the global competitiveness.


