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作者:张中元 出版日期:2021年09月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13635 字 所属丛书:“一带一路”蓝皮书 所属图书:“一带一路”建设发展报告(2021) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着世界经济的疲软和贸易保护主义的抬头,东北亚区域内加强产能合作,主动构建和完善东北亚区域价值链体系,将深化“一带一路”实践,有助于扩展区域内各经济体的产业合作空间,形成地区新的增长点并重塑东北亚区域经济格局。构建东北亚区域价值链具有较强的现实基础,东北亚各国贸易具有较强的互补性,有助于强化区域价值链体系的活力和韧性;东北亚区域消费潜力大,有望形成全球最大的消费市场,有助于维持区域价值链下游需求的稳定。因此,在新的时代背景下,东北亚区... 展开



Abstract:In the face of sluggish world economy and rising trade protectionism,Northeast Asia has strengthened cooperation in production capacity and proactively established a sound system of value chains. The practice of the “Belt and Road” Initiative at deeper levels helps expand the space for industrial cooperation between various economies,create a new growth point,and reshapes the regional economic structure of Northeast Asia. There i... 展开

Abstract:In the face of sluggish world economy and rising trade protectionism,Northeast Asia has strengthened cooperation in production capacity and proactively established a sound system of value chains. The practice of the “Belt and Road” Initiative at deeper levels helps expand the space for industrial cooperation between various economies,create a new growth point,and reshapes the regional economic structure of Northeast Asia. There is a strong practical basis for building the regional value chain of Northeast Asia:the highly complementary trade of Northeast Asian countries strengthens the vitality and resilience of regional value chain;the great consumption potential of Northeast Asia as the prospective largest consumption market in the world maintains the stability of downstream demand in the regional value chain. Therefore,in the new era,countries in the Northeast Asia must continue to deepen cooperation,further improve the top-level design,optimize the policy environment for production capacity cooperation,and guide enterprises to build the regional value chain. It is advisable to expand third-party market cooperation in both depth and breadth and change the single-field model of third-party market cooperation,so as to maximize the accumulation of functional cooperation results. It is also necessary to steadily and orderly advance the liberalization of trade in productive services and strengthen the trade in services of countries in Northeast Asia. Cooperation to fight the epidemic should be strengthened to make the regional value chain more resilient and sustainable and less vulnerable.


