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作者:CCG企业全球化研究课题组 出版日期:2018年11月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16989 字 所属丛书:企业国际化蓝皮书 所属图书:中国企业全球化报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:正如习近平主席在2018年博鳌论坛上以“开放共创繁荣,创新引领未来”的主题演讲中所提到的,“经济全球化是不可逆转的时代潮流”。中国支持全球化和自由贸易的立场鲜明、坚定,中国向世界表明了拥抱全球化的开放态度。然而,以民粹主义、保护主义等形式的“逆全球化”思潮不断,世界贸易壁垒不断增加。那么,在此背景下,中国海外投资将何去何从?“逆全球化”趋势是否会对中国企业的全球化发展有所阻碍?习近平主席提出的“一带一路”倡议对中国企业海外投资有何意义?新... 展开



Abstract:In the speech at the Boao Forum for Asia in 2018,President Xi declared that “economic globalization is an irreversible trend of our times.” China’s support of globalization and free trade is firm and its open attitude towards embracing globalization is clear to the world. However,anti-globalization currents in the form of populism and protectionism are prevalent in many parts of the world and trade barriers are increasing. Under ... 展开

Abstract:In the speech at the Boao Forum for Asia in 2018,President Xi declared that “economic globalization is an irreversible trend of our times.” China’s support of globalization and free trade is firm and its open attitude towards embracing globalization is clear to the world. However,anti-globalization currents in the form of populism and protectionism are prevalent in many parts of the world and trade barriers are increasing. Under this situation,where is China’s overseas investment to go?Is the trend of “de-globalization” impeding the globalization of Chinese enterprises?The chapter also addresses key issues such as the significance of the BRI to Chinese enterprises’ overseas investment;and the new opportunities,challenges,and responsibilities that globalizing Chinese enterprises will face in the new era. To shed light on these issues,the Center for China and Globalization compiled the views of experts,scholars and entrepreneurs drawn from the Fourth China Enterprise Globalization Forum in 2017 for readers’ reference.


