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作者:赵晨 出版日期:2018年07月 报告页数:8 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8655 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告:法、德大选与欧洲一体化的走向(2017-2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:欧盟外交既包括内部成员国之间的关系,也包括欧盟同世界其他力量之间的关系。2017年,欧盟的外交政策整体上呈现出“内向化”趋势,欧盟内部各成员国之间的关系是政治人物优先考虑的外交问题。面对英国脱欧、特朗普担任美国总统和欧盟内民粹主义思潮兴盛的困境,欧盟理事会、欧盟委员会以及法国等一些西欧国家均提出了关于“欧盟未来”的设想。2017年欧盟各方对此进行了热烈的讨论,但受限于德国组阁问题,并没有得出结论。欧盟与外部世界的关系方面,2017年度欧美关系波折... 展开



Abstract:The EU's external relations include both the relationship between the member states and that between the EU and the rest of the world. An inward-looking trend was quite evident in the EU's diplomacy in 2017.In the face of the serious challenges posed to the EU by Brexit,the election of Donald Trump as US President and the rising populism in the EU,the Council,the European Commission and some member countries like France raised vari... 展开

Abstract:The EU's external relations include both the relationship between the member states and that between the EU and the rest of the world. An inward-looking trend was quite evident in the EU's diplomacy in 2017.In the face of the serious challenges posed to the EU by Brexit,the election of Donald Trump as US President and the rising populism in the EU,the Council,the European Commission and some member countries like France raised various proposals on the future of the EU. In 2017,debates on this issue dominated Europe.However,no consensus was concluded largely due to the unfinished Germany coalition government negotiations. The transatlantic relationship arrived almost at the lowest point since WWII and EU-Russia relationship was still filled with rancorous disputes. The Free Trade Agreement negotiations between the EU and Japan,Latin America and Australia respectively made some progresses in 2017 but the EU's role in the Middle East has been further marginalized.


