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作者:刘欣路 范帅帅 出版日期:2020年06月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10300 字 所属丛书:阿拉伯黄皮书 所属图书:阿拉伯发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年是也门危机持续的第七个年头。在经历了民众抗议、政权过渡与国家分裂、外部干预与危机升级三个阶段后,2017年底,前总统萨利赫被胡塞武装击毙,新一轮军事争夺和政治博弈在也门展开。随着战事的推进,胡塞阵营与沙特联军僵持不下,双方战线犬牙交错,也门局势陷入全面僵局。战场上,港口成为新的交战重点,战争进入巷战阶段,且正在向消耗战演变。政治上,在联合国的斡旋下,新一轮和谈在瑞典展开,交战双方达成《斯德哥尔摩协议》,但落实和谈成果仍面临重重困境。 展开



Abstract:2018 was the seventh year of the ongoing crisis in Yemen. After three phases of evolution—popular protests,regime transition and country division,and external intervention and crisis escalation,former president Saleh was killed by the Houthi armed forces at the end of 2017,which marked the beginning of a new round of military and political games in Yemen. Currently,the war between the Houthi camp and the Saudi coalition has come... 展开

Abstract:2018 was the seventh year of the ongoing crisis in Yemen. After three phases of evolution—popular protests,regime transition and country division,and external intervention and crisis escalation,former president Saleh was killed by the Houthi armed forces at the end of 2017,which marked the beginning of a new round of military and political games in Yemen. Currently,the war between the Houthi camp and the Saudi coalition has come to a stalemate,full of twists and turns,leading the situation in Yemen to a comprehensive impasse. In terms of battlefield,the ports have become the new focus,and the war has entered the stage of lane battle and is evolving toward a war of attrition. Politically,under the good offices of the United Nations,a new round of peace talk was held in Sweden where the warring parties reached the Stockholm Agreement. The implementation of the results of the peace talks,however,still faces many difficulties.



