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作者:张维琪 李靖 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10347 字 所属丛书:葡语国家蓝皮书 所属图书:葡语国家发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The south American economic organization (MERCOSUR) is an essential integration organization in Latin America. This paper compares the fundamental elements of national power of the four founding countries of MERCOSUL,namely Argentina,Brazil,Paraguay and Uruguay,and concludes that Brazil plays an increasingly important role in MERCOSUR. With its material capability and spiritual power,Brazil has become a tower of strength of the... 展开

Abstract:The south American economic organization (MERCOSUR) is an essential integration organization in Latin America. This paper compares the fundamental elements of national power of the four founding countries of MERCOSUL,namely Argentina,Brazil,Paraguay and Uruguay,and concludes that Brazil plays an increasingly important role in MERCOSUR. With its material capability and spiritual power,Brazil has become a tower of strength of the organization and a leading country in setting the agenda for MERCOSUR,influencing other member countries in economy,culture and science through cooperation.O MERCOSUL constitui uma importante organização de integração regional na América Latina. No presente artigo,comparam-se os elementos fundamentais do poder nacional dos quatro países fundadores do MERCOSUL,que são respetivamente Argentina,Brasil,Paraguai e Uruguai,concluindo assim que o Brasil vem desempenhando um papel cada vez mais essencial no MERCOSUL. Com o seu poder material e mental,o Brasil já se tornou numa espinha dorsal desta organização e tem desempenhado um papel líder na elaboração da agenda do MERCOSUL,deixando uma influência importante nos outros países membros em termos económicos,culturais e científicos.



