文章摘要:近年来,我国进一步加大科技领域的投资和布局,科技发展呈现蓬勃之势,部分核心技术和关键应用取得突破,处于世界领先水平,科技人才日益聚集,已成为一个具有全球影响力的科技创新大国。与此同时,我国科技领域安全也面临诸多问题,短板和不足仍然非常明显,与西方发达国家差距较大,科技崛起面临严峻挑战;科技丑闻频繁刺痛科技发展神经,揭露出科技强国道路上的急功近利和工匠精神的缺失,以及科研伦理和道德的失范。当前,全球新一轮科技革命孕育兴起,正在深刻影响世... 展开
Abstract:In recent years,China has further increased investment and layout in the field of science and technology in a vigorous way. Some core technologies and key applications have achieved breakthroughs which make them lead the world. Technological talents are increasingly gathering. China has become a major scientific and technological innovator with global influence. At the same time,China’s science and technology security is also facin... 展开