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作者:韩玉平 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17303 字 所属丛书:太平洋岛国蓝皮书 所属图书:太平洋岛国发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018年亚太经合组织会议在巴布亚新几内亚召开后,巴布亚新几内亚的内政和外交都发生了一些变化。首先,总理彼得·奥尼尔下台,詹姆斯·马拉佩上台,国内政治局势陷于混乱;布干维尔进行公投,公投后续影响难以预测。其次,出于自身利益考虑,澳大利亚加强了与巴布亚新几内亚的交流,加大了对其官方开发援助。同时,为了与中国在太平洋地区抗衡,美国开始加强对巴布亚新几内亚的关注。中国在南太平洋地区实施“一带一路”倡议的同时,必须充分考虑巴布亚新几内亚的政治与社会... 展开



Abstract:Since the APEC Summit was held in Papua New Guinea in 2018,changes have occurred in both the civil and the foreign affairs of PNG. First,the former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill resigned and James Marape came into power,and to what extent the new prime minister will stick to the policies of the former government is still unknown. Secondly,the referendum of Bougainville will be held,and the consequences of the result are hard to p... 展开

Abstract:Since the APEC Summit was held in Papua New Guinea in 2018,changes have occurred in both the civil and the foreign affairs of PNG. First,the former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill resigned and James Marape came into power,and to what extent the new prime minister will stick to the policies of the former government is still unknown. Secondly,the referendum of Bougainville will be held,and the consequences of the result are hard to predict. At the same time,both Australia and U.S. have attached their importance to PNG for their own national interests. In this complex situation China should take the political and social situations of PNG into consideration while carrying out the Belt and Road Initiative in the South Pacific region. Based on the economic cooperation between the two countries,China should reinforce the mutual political trust between the two countries and carry out more cooperation in the field of culture,education,technology and health to promote the relation between the two countries.


