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作者:陈巧 出版日期:2019年04月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13567 字 所属图书:欧洲语言文化研究(2019年第1辑,总第9辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:移民现象历史悠久,它所带来的社会、经济、文化、政治效应都深刻地影响迁出国、迁入国和过境国。保加利亚的人口国际迁移一度对本国的人口发展造成了严重的影响。1989年民主变革之后,保加利亚出现了大规模的移民浪潮,导致该国人口大量减少。2007年加入欧盟后,保加利亚的外迁人口持续增加,但因迁入保加利亚的人口也呈现增长的势头,该国的人口机械增长率较20世纪90年代有了很大的提高,逐步向正数靠近。本文将从保加利亚近十年移民总趋势、外迁移民的特点及目的地选择、... 展开



Abstract:Migration has a long history,and the social,economic,cultural and political implications it brings have profoundly affected the sending,transit and receiving countries. The outbound migration of Bulgaria once had a serious impact on the growth of its population. After the democratic reforms in 1989,a massive wave of migration led to a drastic reduction in the population of the country. After joining the European Union in 2007,th... 展开

Abstract:Migration has a long history,and the social,economic,cultural and political implications it brings have profoundly affected the sending,transit and receiving countries. The outbound migration of Bulgaria once had a serious impact on the growth of its population. After the democratic reforms in 1989,a massive wave of migration led to a drastic reduction in the population of the country. After joining the European Union in 2007,the population moving to Bulgaria showed signs of increase. The country’s mechanical growth of population has significantly improved from the 1990s and gradually moved toward positive numbers. This article analyzes the trend of migration,the characteristics of outbound migration and destination selection,and the two-way flow of population between China and Bulgaria in the recent decade,thus depicting the general situation of migration after Bulgaria’s accession to the EU.


