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作者:杨保筠 出版日期:2021年03月 报告页数:47 页 报告大小: 报告字数:49141 字 所属丛书:东盟黄皮书 所属图书:东盟发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:自2015年12月底东盟宣布建设东盟共同体以来,东盟一体化进程不断加快。2019年,泰国作为轮值主席国提出“为可持续发展推动伙伴关系”的年度主题,为东盟共同体建设做出积极贡献:以推进贸易便利化为代表的一系列经济合作措施有效地推动东盟经济共同体建设深入发展;东盟提出了自己的“东盟印度洋—太平洋展望”,在外交上协调立场,加强合作,政治安全共同体建设持续取得进展;以保护妇女儿童权益和促进青年发展为契机,加速推进社会文化共同体建设。进入2020年,越南作为... 展开



Abstract:Since the ASEAN Community was formally announced at the end of December 2015,accelerating the process of ASEAN regional integration has been the main objective of ASEAN’s development. In 2019,Thailand as ASEAN chair set the theme “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability” and have made an good effort to the integration. In economy,a series of measures aim at trade facilitation has effective promotion for the economic collaborati... 展开

Abstract:Since the ASEAN Community was formally announced at the end of December 2015,accelerating the process of ASEAN regional integration has been the main objective of ASEAN’s development. In 2019,Thailand as ASEAN chair set the theme “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability” and have made an good effort to the integration. In economy,a series of measures aim at trade facilitation has effective promotion for the economic collaboration. In diplomacy,ASEAN has coordinated position and enhanced cooperation with the Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. Besides,the social and cultural integration also have got achievements on the base of protection for women and children as well as development for the youth. In 2020,Vietnam has made the theme as “Cohesive and Responsive” in its chairmanship,and ASEAN would have to face the new chance and challenge because of the COVID-19.


