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作者:毛海欧 出版日期:2021年03月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16766 字 所属丛书:武汉大学边界与海洋问题研究丛书 所属图书:“一带一路”建设:中国与周边地区的经贸合作研究(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:斯里兰卡、孟加拉国、尼泊尔、马尔代夫四国与中国经贸联系日益密切,是“一带一路”倡议的重要合作伙伴。2018~2019年,中国与南亚四国在基础设施上超过30个项目取得重大进展,但在高层政策沟通上仅与尼泊尔和马尔代夫达成新的联合声明,人文交流和金融合作进展较为缓慢。主要存在以下问题和挑战:政权更替增加了风险;南亚四国受印度影响巨大;对中国贸易逆差严重;合作方式较为单一;民众对中国的认知有待提升。为此,建议从以下方面深化经贸合作:一是加强政治互信,建... 展开



Abstract:The four South Asian countries,including Sri Lanka,Bangladesh,Nepal and Maldives,are becoming more and more important trade partners of China and critical partners in further promoting “the Belt and Road” Initiative. From 2018 to 2020,China has made great progress with those four south Asian countries in infrastructure construction in more than 30 projects,while released new joint statements with only Nepal and Maldives and no... 展开

Abstract:The four South Asian countries,including Sri Lanka,Bangladesh,Nepal and Maldives,are becoming more and more important trade partners of China and critical partners in further promoting “the Belt and Road” Initiative. From 2018 to 2020,China has made great progress with those four south Asian countries in infrastructure construction in more than 30 projects,while released new joint statements with only Nepal and Maldives and not much achievement in financial cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. The main problems and challenges are as follows. Firstly,the change of regime increases the risk of Chinese enterprises’ local economic activities. Secondly,the four countries in South Asia are greatly affected by India,a third country. Thirdly,China’s trade deficit is serious and showing a growing trend. Fourthly,the mode of cooperation is single,and the cooperation between industrial parks is single. Fifth,people’s understanding of China is not comprehensive enough. This paper proposes to deepen the economic and trade cooperation between China and the four South Asian countries from the following four aspects. Firstly,strengthen political mutual trust and establish a comprehensive and balanced political party relationship. Secondly,handle the relationship with India from the perspective of security mutual trust and common interests. Thirdly,promote trade facilitation and assist the development of export industries in order to reduce trade. Fourthly,cultural exchanges should be strengthen to enhance consensus and understanding.



毛海欧:毛海欧,博士,武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院讲师,基尔全球化中心(Kiel Center for Globalization)外部研究员。