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作者:康雅洁 出版日期:2020年06月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13620 字 所属图书:阿拉伯研究论丛 总第9期 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:什么是自由?人应该如何行使自由权?在世界历史上,有关自由的争论和思考从未停止,在阿拉伯社会也是如此。长期以来,西方以“自由、平等”等思想为旗帜,号召全世界学习西方式“自由”观,并把这样的“自由”观强行施加于阿拉伯世界,结果却不尽如人意。那么,适合阿拉伯世界的“自由”观是什么?阿拉伯本土文化中是否存在“自由”这个概念?当代阿拉伯-伊斯兰著名思想家阿卜杜拉·拉鲁伊就这一问题展开了深入的研究,认为对于阿拉伯“自由”观的研究应该立足于阿拉伯本土... 展开



Abstract:What is freedom?How should people exercise freedom?In the history of world,the debates and the thoughts about freedom have never stopped,as have Arabic societies. However,the West has always used the idea of “freedom,equality” as its banner,calling on the rest of world to learn the Western concept of “freedom” and forcing such a “freedom” view into the Arabic world,but the result is not satisfactory. So what is the “fre... 展开

Abstract:What is freedom?How should people exercise freedom?In the history of world,the debates and the thoughts about freedom have never stopped,as have Arabic societies. However,the West has always used the idea of “freedom,equality” as its banner,calling on the rest of world to learn the Western concept of “freedom” and forcing such a “freedom” view into the Arabic world,but the result is not satisfactory. So what is the “freedom” view for the Arabic world?Is there a concept of “freedom” in Arabic native culture?The contemporary Arab-Islamic famous thinker Abdallah Laroui has conducted in-depth research on this issue,arguing that the Arabic study of “freedom” should be based on Arabic culture,and he fully exploited the meaning of “freedom” in traditional Arabic culture,and tried to show the existence form of the Arabic traditional “freedom”,and promoted the development of the Arab “freedom” concept,and promoted people’s further understanding to the Arabic ideology and culture.


