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作者:张明 出版日期:2021年01月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11417 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2021年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年3月,美国股市在连续8个交易日内4次熔断,这是前所未有的情形。美股连续熔断发生在美股迭创历史新高之际,其触发原因是新冠肺炎疫情的快速蔓延以及全球原油价格暴跌,更深层次的原因则美国股市在过去10余年内形成的一系列结构性特征,包括上市公司持续大规模回购股票、以ETF为代表的被动投资异军突起、对冲基金使用了一系列基于波动率的新策略等。考虑到经济基本面依然疲弱、股市估值高企、流动性危机结束以及宏观经济指标反弹可能导致美联储货币政策边际收紧、未来... 展开



Abstract:The US stock market faced 4 times of melt-down during 8 consecutive trading days in March 2020,which never happen before. The triggers of melt-down included the fast contagion of COVID-19 and the fast drop of oil price. The deep reasons were some new structural characteristics of US stock market,which included the persistent and large scale buy-back of stock shares,the surging of passive investment such as ETF,and the new trading ... 展开

Abstract:The US stock market faced 4 times of melt-down during 8 consecutive trading days in March 2020,which never happen before. The triggers of melt-down included the fast contagion of COVID-19 and the fast drop of oil price. The deep reasons were some new structural characteristics of US stock market,which included the persistent and large scale buy-back of stock shares,the surging of passive investment such as ETF,and the new trading strategies focus on volatility of hedge funds. Considering the weak economic fundamentals,the high stock market valuation,the marginal contraction of US monetary policy,and the surging of economic and political uncertainties,the US stock market will continue to face high volatility in the future,and the probability of another market melt-down will be rather high.


