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作者:葛红亮 孙润晨 出版日期:2020年12月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17293 字 所属丛书:马来西亚蓝皮书 所属图书:马来西亚发展报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年马来西亚政局出现“二月危机”,以马哈蒂尔辞职为起点,穆希丁·亚辛领导的国民联盟上台执政为终点。希望联盟再度沦为反对党联盟,自2018年“509大选”上台以来执政了22个月。在希望联盟执政时期,马哈蒂尔主导下的马来西亚对华政策出现微调,中马关系的发展由此经历了“拨云见日”的过程。以此为背景,本文将希望联盟执政的这一时期作为考察周期,深度剖析马来西亚希望联盟政府的对华政策诉求及其所呈现的主要特点,在此基础上从政治安全、经贸往来与人文交流三个层... 展开



Abstract:There was a “February crisis” in Malaysian political situation in 2020,starting with Mahathir’s resignation and ending with the coming to power of the National League led by Muhitin Yassin. As a result,Malaysian politics has changed again,and the “Pakatan Harapan” has once again become an opposition coalition,which has been in office for 22 months since the “509 general election” in 2018. During the reign of the “Pakatan H... 展开

Abstract:There was a “February crisis” in Malaysian political situation in 2020,starting with Mahathir’s resignation and ending with the coming to power of the National League led by Muhitin Yassin. As a result,Malaysian politics has changed again,and the “Pakatan Harapan” has once again become an opposition coalition,which has been in office for 22 months since the “509 general election” in 2018. During the reign of the “Pakatan Harapan”,the Malaysian policy toward China under Mahathir Mohamad was fine-tuned,and the development of China-Malaysia relations experienced a process of “dispelling the clouds and seeing the sun”. Taking this as the background,article takes the period during which the “Pakatan Harapan” is in power as the inspection cycle,and deeply analyzes the demands and the main characteristics of the policy toward China made by the Malaysian “Pakatan Harapan” government. On this basis,article combs the development of China-Malaysian relations during the period of the “Pakatan Harapan” government from the three aspects of political security,economic and trade exchanges and cultural exchange. Further more,it looks forward to the future of China-Malaysian relations under the dual influence of novel coronavirus’s epidemic situation and Malaysia’s “re-change”.



