文章摘要:北极和南极位于地球的高纬度地区,由于其独特的环境和在全球气候系统中的重要性,备受国际关注。极地环境与全球气候变化间的相互影响,不但包含环境和科学问题,而且涉及安全、能源、经济和政治等多个方面。本文以极地环境与气候变化为切入点,梳理世界主要国家在南北极的战略规划布局、科学技术研究、经济发展以及国际合作和治理等方面开展的工作,并从科技创新布局和投入、极地考察活动等方面总结我国极地事务的发展历程和取得的成果,最后从基础研究、技术装备研发、数... 展开
Abstract:The polar region is located in the high latitudes of the earth. Due to its unique environmentand importance in the global climate change,it has attracted international attention. In recent years,with global warming,rising sea levels,and frequent disasters,the polar environment and climate change issues have received unprecedented attention from all countries. The interaction between the polar environment and global climate change... 展开