文章摘要:围绕“海洋领域应对气候变化”这一核心主题,本文阐述了海洋在应对气候变化中的重要作用。研究结果表明:2019年成为有现代海洋观测记录以来海洋最暖的一年,未来我国区域气温、平均年降水量和近海海平面很有可能会继续上升,极端气候事件发生的强度和频次有可能进一步增加。本文介绍了国际社会对海洋在气候变化中作用问题的关注进程,提出海洋议题在国际气候治理中逐渐成为各方关注的重点;梳理了海洋领域应对气候变化涉及的科学和政策问题、国际合作机制及各方战略博弈问... 展开
Abstract:This section focuses on the core theme of “Adaption to Climate Change in Marine Systems” and elaborates the role of the oceans in adaption to climate change,the results show that the world’s oceans in 2019 were the warmest in recorded ocean observation,in the future,the regional temperature,annual precipitation and offshore sea level of China will continue to rise,the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events are more ... 展开