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作者:韩晗 出版日期:2020年10月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8854 字 所属丛书:拉美黄皮书 所属图书:拉丁美洲和加勒比发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年,洪都拉斯执政党面临来自党内外的多重挑战。洪都拉斯国会接受了部分联合国提出的选举政策调整建议。2019年,洪都拉斯连续第六年实现经济增长,但增速进一步放缓;腐败、毒品及凶杀率仍是其三大社会顽疾。未来,随着返洪移民规模的进一步扩大,如何应对侨汇收入萎缩及引导移民群体融入本国社会将考验政府的综合治理能力。加强同美国的经贸与安全合作、提高国家在中美洲的地区影响力是洪都拉斯本届政府的两大外交重心。同时,洪都拉斯积极借助多边组织增进与区内外国... 展开



Abstract:In 2019,the ruling party of Honduras faces multiple challenges from both inside and outside the Party. The parliament partly accepted the election policy adjustment recommended by the United Nations. Honduras has a six year consecutive economic growth,but the growth rate has slowed down. Corruption,drugs and homicide rates are still the three major social diseases. In the future,with the further expansion of the scale of repatriat... 展开

Abstract:In 2019,the ruling party of Honduras faces multiple challenges from both inside and outside the Party. The parliament partly accepted the election policy adjustment recommended by the United Nations. Honduras has a six year consecutive economic growth,but the growth rate has slowed down. Corruption,drugs and homicide rates are still the three major social diseases. In the future,with the further expansion of the scale of repatriation migrants,how to deal with the shrinking income of remittances and guide the social integration of immigrant groups will test the governance capabilities. Strengthen economic and trade cooperation with the United States,and enhance the regional influence of the country in Central America Strength is the two major diplomatic focuses of the government. At the same time,Honduras actively uses multilateral organizations to enhance ties with countries in and outside the region.


