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作者:臧策 出版日期:2017年07月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11896 字 所属图书:文化发展论丛 2017年第1卷 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:文化研究传入中国,这本身就是一个值得进行文化研究的课题,因为中国的语境与西方完全不同。对于西方来说,文化研究的崛起是出于对传统学科的不满,是对现代主义圭臬的一种超越;而在中国学术界,文化研究则是一种比结构主义、解构主义等更新的西方理论,犹如学术时装的最新款式。问题的关键是,文化研究在西方并非凭空出现的,而是继“语言学转向”之后“文化转向”的结果。但是在中国,“语言学转向”尚未真正开始,何谈“文化转向”?有鉴于此,笔者针对中国的特定语境... 展开



Abstract:The spread of cultural studies in China is a topic worth doing the research from the perspective of cultural studies,as Chinese academic context is definitely different from the western one. For western academic circles,the rise of cultural studies is originated from the dissatisfaction of traditional disciplines,which exceeds the belief of modernism. Instead,for Chinese academic circles,the theory of cultural studies is the late... 展开

Abstract:The spread of cultural studies in China is a topic worth doing the research from the perspective of cultural studies,as Chinese academic context is definitely different from the western one. For western academic circles,the rise of cultural studies is originated from the dissatisfaction of traditional disciplines,which exceeds the belief of modernism. Instead,for Chinese academic circles,the theory of cultural studies is the latest western theory compared with structuralism and deconstructionism,which is more like the latest style of academic clothes. Actually,the fact is that the theory of cultural studies doesn’t emerge out of void,but is the result of the “cultural turn” after the “linguistic turn”. However,the “linguistic turn” has not really started in China,so how can Chinese academic circles move on to the “cultural turn”?Based on the specific Chinese academic context,the writer puts forward the suprametaphor theory and the meta-image theory,attempting a break-through via in-depth research on cultural logic against the “politically correct” propaganda.


