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作者:吕耀东 出版日期:2020年09月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22357 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:从2019年到2020年初,日本对外关系在落实安倍晋三关于“战后外交总决算”的基础上,开展了全方位经济外交,签署日欧EPA,主办了大阪G20峰会和非洲发展国际会议,进行日美双边经贸谈判,出席RCEP谈判和中日韩三国成都峰会,积极拓展区域经济一体化布局。积极参与国际事务,充分体现日本外交的主动性。但从日本外交政策落实情况看,“战后外交总决算”事实上成“夹生饭”,不仅日俄“领土问题”解决和日朝首脑会谈无进展,而且日韩历史问题风波再起,演化为两国经贸、军事乃... 展开



Abstract:In the year 2019 and the beginning of 2020,Japan launches a series of policies to implement Abe’s “final accounts of post-war diplomacy” and the comprehensive economic diplomacy. Japan signs EPA with EU,hosts the G20 Summit in Osaka and TICAD VII in Yokohama,carries on trade negotiation with U.S.,participates the RCEP negotiation and China-Japan-ROK Summit held in Chengdu,explores new ways of taking part in regional economic c... 展开

Abstract:In the year 2019 and the beginning of 2020,Japan launches a series of policies to implement Abe’s “final accounts of post-war diplomacy” and the comprehensive economic diplomacy. Japan signs EPA with EU,hosts the G20 Summit in Osaka and TICAD VII in Yokohama,carries on trade negotiation with U.S.,participates the RCEP negotiation and China-Japan-ROK Summit held in Chengdu,explores new ways of taking part in regional economic cooperation and international affairs. However,Abe’s “final accounts of post-war diplomacy” remains half-done,without any substantial progress in terms of Japan-Russia negotiation over disputed territory and Japan-DRPK summit. The contradiction between Japan and ROK over historical issues escalates into overall confrontation in all political,security and economic aspects. The signing of Japan-EU EPA and CPTPP reveals Japan’s next-step target of gaining a favorable position in RCEP negotiation. In 2020,Japan will continue to promote its strategic diplomacy. Abe attempt for the “final accounts of post-war diplomacy” will be still faced with great challenges if it is still be based on the historical revisionism. However,Japan will not stop on the way of escaping the post-war regime and continue to strengthen its “diplomacy taking a panoramic perspective of the globe” throughout creating a favorable environment to revising the constitution,promoting the Indo-Pacific Vision and sending SDF troops to the Middle East.



