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作者:张佳佳 出版日期:2019年12月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13429 字 所属丛书:北极蓝皮书 所属图书:北极地区发展报告(2018) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:鉴于北极特殊的地理位置和自然环境,北极科技外交往往是各国参与北极事务的起点和实现北极利益的先导。回溯中国参与北极事务的历程,北极科技外交是其中的主要线索和核心内容,现已取得了一些成绩。“冰上丝绸之路”倡议是中国参与北极事务的新契机,北极科技外交对“冰上丝绸之路”建设意义重大,可在诸如提供科研科考装备、保护北极环境、实现互利共赢等方面提供助力。但作为北极域外国家和发展中国家,中国北极科技外交还面临着缺乏顶层设计、政策和资金支持不足,以及... 展开



Abstract:In view of the special natural environment of the Arctic,Arctic scientific and technological diplomacy is a prerequisite for various countries to participate in the Arctic affairs and realize the Arctic interests. Look back up on the process of China’s participation in the Arctic affairs,Arctic science and technology diplomacy is main clue and core content,and has achieved some results. The “Polar Silk Road” initiative is a new ... 展开

Abstract:In view of the special natural environment of the Arctic,Arctic scientific and technological diplomacy is a prerequisite for various countries to participate in the Arctic affairs and realize the Arctic interests. Look back up on the process of China’s participation in the Arctic affairs,Arctic science and technology diplomacy is main clue and core content,and has achieved some results. The “Polar Silk Road” initiative is a new opportunity for China to participate in the Arctic affairs. Arctic science and technology diplomacy is of great significance to the construction of the “Polar Silk Road”,such as providing scientific research equipment,protecting the Arctic environment,and achieving mutual benefit goals. However,as a non-Arctic country and developing country,there are some problems such as lack of top-level design,in short of policy and fund support,and constraints of several international factors. Therefore,China should give full play to the leading role of the government,strengthen and improve the operation mechanism,and expand the breadth and depth of Arctic science and technology diplomacy.


