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作者:何国平 王珮 出版日期:2020年06月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19637 字 所属丛书:印度尼西亚蓝皮书 所属图书:印度尼西亚经济社会发展报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本届政府致力于改善民生和提高公共服务水平,以此促进社会公平发展,取得了显著成效。在减贫工作方面,五年内贫困发生率、失业率持续下降;在公用基础设施方面,政府加大了电力和供水设施建设,居民用电和供水覆盖率显著提高;在文教方面,加大了教育经费投入,并鼓励民间资本投资教育事业,公共卫生服务也有所改进;在新闻传媒方面,媒体呈现产业化和去规制化发展趋势。另外,印尼社会民生方面仍面临不少挑战,包括教育质量不高、数字鸿沟、新闻传媒乱象等。媒体对中国的... 展开



Abstract:Indonesia’s current government is committed to improving people’s livelihood and improving the level of public services,so as to promote the development of social equity,and has achieved remarkable results. In the aspect of poverty reduction,the incidence of poverty and the unemployment rate have continued to decline in the past five years;in the aspect of public infrastructure,the government has increased the construction of p... 展开

Abstract:Indonesia’s current government is committed to improving people’s livelihood and improving the level of public services,so as to promote the development of social equity,and has achieved remarkable results. In the aspect of poverty reduction,the incidence of poverty and the unemployment rate have continued to decline in the past five years;in the aspect of public infrastructure,the government has increased the construction of power and water supply facilities,and the coverage rate of residents’ electricity and water supply has significantly increased;in the aspect of culture and education,the government has increased the investment in education,and encouraged the investment of private capital in education,and the public health service has also improved;in the aspect of news media,the media It shows the trend of industrialization and deregulation. On the other hand,Indonesia still faces many challenges in terms of social and people’s livelihood,including low quality of education,digital divide,news media chaos,etc. Media coverage of China is vulnerable to the influence of Western values,so it is necessary to strengthen the construction of cultural mutual trust between China and Indonesia.



