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作者:张元 出版日期:2020年01月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13812 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年中东地区热点不断。美国特朗普政府自宣布退出伊核协议后,持续对伊朗进行经济制裁和军事威慑,但遭到伊方的坚决抵制和激烈回击,导致海湾地区紧张局势持续升温。美国正式承认以色列对戈兰高地拥有“主权”,放弃了在阿以冲突中至少维持表面中立的立场,遭到世界各国强烈反对。利比亚再次爆发新一轮武装冲突,战事难以在短期内结束。叙利亚战争接近尾声,国家和平重建进程仍然障碍重重,国内要建立统一的政治实体较为困难,且国际博弈并未消散。以色列大选一波三折,... 展开



Abstract:The Middle Eastern hot spots continued in 2019.After the Trump administration announced its withdrawal from the Iran and P5+1 nuclear agreement,America imposed economic sanctions and resorted to military deterrence against Iran. Tensions in the Gulf region heated up. The Trump administration officially acknowledged Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights,abandoning its former position of maintaining a minimum level of neutralit... 展开

Abstract:The Middle Eastern hot spots continued in 2019.After the Trump administration announced its withdrawal from the Iran and P5+1 nuclear agreement,America imposed economic sanctions and resorted to military deterrence against Iran. Tensions in the Gulf region heated up. The Trump administration officially acknowledged Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights,abandoning its former position of maintaining a minimum level of neutrality in the Arab-Israeli conflict. A new round of armed conflicts took place in Libya,and it will be difficult to bring an end to the war within a short period of time. The Syrian war is coming to an end,but the process of peaceful reconstruction of the country faces many obstacles. The result of the Israel’s election is unclear. The political security situation in the Middle East is characterized by two major features:First,the Iran issue has become the core problem in the region,reflecting the irreconcilable structural contradictions between the United States and Iran. Second,the Trump administration’s involvement in Middle Eastern affairs has increased significantly,becoming the main driver behind the regional tensions.


