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作者:李思名 Si-mingLi 出版日期:2015年04月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10625 字 所属图书:当代港澳研究(2014年第2辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:香港特别行政区成立以来的16年充满挑战,特区政府施政举步维艰。回归初期为了改善居住环境推出的房地产发展政策却碰上亚洲金融风暴,导致香港房地产市场崩溃,大量市民成为负资产者,特区政府为此付出沉重的代价。自此以后,特区政府长期以市场主导为借口,大幅度减少公屋的供应,并让房地产发展商主导土地一级市场,减慢土地开发速度。2007~2008年世界金融风暴并没有对香港的房地产市场带来严重的冲击;反而因为量化宽松,资金泛滥,名义和实质息率长期处于极低水平,一... 展开



Abstract:The first sixteen years of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(SAR)was marked by severe challenges of all kinds. Among these were the difficulties arising from the collapse of the property bubble in the early days of Hong Kong’s return to China,which resulted in hundreds of thousands “homeowners” falling in the category of negative equity holders. For this,the SAR Government paid a very heavy price. From then onwards,m... 展开

Abstract:The first sixteen years of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(SAR)was marked by severe challenges of all kinds. Among these were the difficulties arising from the collapse of the property bubble in the early days of Hong Kong’s return to China,which resulted in hundreds of thousands “homeowners” falling in the category of negative equity holders. For this,the SAR Government paid a very heavy price. From then onwards,market guidance has been used as an excuse for immensely scaling down of public housing construction and urban land development,as well as allowing developers to dominate the primary land market. In Hong Kong,property prices only experienced very mild and short downward corrections under the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. Instead,the repeated rounds of quantitative easing launched by the FED of the United States fuelled another property bubble. Attempts have been made by the SAR Government in recent years to cool down the property market and resume control of the primary land market. However,due to various reasons,these well-intended policy initiatives have been met with severe resistance from different circles of the public;and the popularity ratings of the Chief Executive and his government remain at extremely low levels.


