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作者:〔印尼〕沈牧平(MurpinJosuaSembiring) 〔印尼〕王顺斌(OngPeterLeonardo) 赵长峰 出版时间:2019年11月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8333 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国与印度尼西亚人文交流发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:自古以来,中国与印度尼西亚就有密切的文化合作,中国文化对印尼的音乐、表演、绘画、舞蹈和建筑等都有较深远的影响。随着中国和印尼两国的经济发展、科技进步,有必要加强两国的教育、文化合作,特别是印尼的汉语教育至关重要。当前,印尼汉语教育存在很多问题,比如青年缺乏学习汉语的动力,尚未在汉语教学领域看到未来的职业前景、竞争力、业务或工作机会,学校缺乏合格的汉语教师,印尼本土的汉语教师很少,开设汉语教师培训计划的高校较少等。为了改善这种状况,需要... 展开



Abstract:Since ancient times,China has had close cultural cooperation with Indonesia. Chinese culture has far-reaching influence on Indonesia’s music,performance,painting,dance and architecture. With the economic development and scientific and technological progress of China and Indonesia,it is necessary to strengthen the educational and cultural cooperation between the two countries,especially the Chinese language education in Indonesi... 展开

Abstract:Since ancient times,China has had close cultural cooperation with Indonesia. Chinese culture has far-reaching influence on Indonesia’s music,performance,painting,dance and architecture. With the economic development and scientific and technological progress of China and Indonesia,it is necessary to strengthen the educational and cultural cooperation between the two countries,especially the Chinese language education in Indonesia. There are many problems in the current Chinese language education in Indonesia. For example,young people lack the motivation to learn Chinese. They have not yet seen the future career prospects,competitiveness,business or work in the Chinese language teaching. The school lacks qualified Chinese teachers. Chinese teachers from Indonesia are very rare. There are fewer colleges and universities which offer teacher training programs for Chinese language. In order to improve this situation,we need to adopt the following strategies:helping the younger generation know more about China,providing motivation,help and scholarships for non-Chinese descendants to learn Chinese,reaching an agreement on Chinese language teachers among all concerned parties,and advocating the inclusion of Chinese as a school Compulsory language.



〔印尼〕沈牧平(Murpin Josua Sembiring):沈牧平,印度尼西亚智星大学校长。

〔印尼〕王顺斌(Ong Peter Leonardo):王顺斌,印度尼西亚智星大学文学与语言教育学院院长。

