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作者:赵长峰 杜志远 出版时间:2019年11月 报告页数:36 页 报告大小: 报告字数:32354 字 所属丛书: 所属图书:中国与印度尼西亚人文交流发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:印度尼西亚教育体系庞大且多样,自21世纪以来,在各部门的协同努力下,印尼各层级教育(包括学前教育、基础教育、中等教育和高等教育)取得可喜成绩,但是依然存在许多不容忽视的、亟待处理的问题。佐科政府上台后,中、印尼教育开展了富有成效的合作,表现在中印尼副总理级人文交流机制建立并定期举行,中国将中、印尼高等教育合作纳入国家战略目标计划,中国和印尼两国高等教育合作成果颇丰,以及中、印尼在职业教育方面不断探索新路径等方面。中、印尼教育合作中还存在... 展开



Abstract:Indonesia has a huge and diverse education system. Since the 21st century,with the concerted efforts of various departments,Indonesia’s education of various levels(including pre-school,basic education,secondary education and higher education)have achieved great achievements,but there are still exist many problems that cannot be ignored. After Joko Widodo come into power,China and Indonesia has carried out fruitful Education c... 展开

Abstract:Indonesia has a huge and diverse education system. Since the 21st century,with the concerted efforts of various departments,Indonesia’s education of various levels(including pre-school,basic education,secondary education and higher education)have achieved great achievements,but there are still exist many problems that cannot be ignored. After Joko Widodo come into power,China and Indonesia has carried out fruitful Education cooperation,such as the establishment and regular holding of high-level mechanism of people-to-people exchange between China and Indonesia,China’s integration of China-Indonesia higher education cooperation into the national strategic plan,China and Indonesia have achieved fruitful results in higher education cooperation,and China and Indonesia have continuously explored new paths in vocational education. However,there are still exist many problems in China-Indonesia education cooperation,such as limited areas of education cooperation,lack of non-official track of education cooperation,assimilation of the identity of Indonesia Chinese,declining of the Chinese language and barrier of language communication,less of enthusiasm for education cooperation,and problems in Confucius Institutes. In order to solve these problems,we can start from the following aspects:improving top-level design from the overall thinking,perfecting multi-level education mechanism of exchange,adhering to the combination of “going out” and “bringing in”,changing the mode of education cooperation,implementing multi-track people-to-people Exchange mechanism,paying more attention to unofficial track exchange,and optimizing the functions of the Confucius Institute.




