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作者:李丹林 王悦 出版日期:2019年11月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21449 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018~2019年,英国传媒新的图景在不断展现。报刊业的转型有获得成功的更好例证,视听领域的变革在加剧,播客和智能语音交互技术备受关注,视频内容消费成为主流。互联网公司、社交媒体平台在新闻出版领域的功能越来越突出,关于平台的性质和责任的认识和争论成为一个突出的问题。总体上,广告业继续向好,数字广告的比重越来越大,2018年移动端广告投放首次超过PC端。在传媒监管方面,如何维持和提升新闻的公信力、治理虚假信息、保护受众尤其是儿童以及弱势群体的利益、... 展开



Abstract:From 2018 to 2019,the picture of British media is constantly unfolding:heartening success has been seen in the transformation of the press industry;the audio-visual sector has been changing at accelerating rate;podcasting and intelligent voice interaction technology have attracted more attention and video content consumption has become popularized. As the role of Internet companies and social media platforms on news publishing are... 展开

Abstract:From 2018 to 2019,the picture of British media is constantly unfolding:heartening success has been seen in the transformation of the press industry;the audio-visual sector has been changing at accelerating rate;podcasting and intelligent voice interaction technology have attracted more attention and video content consumption has become popularized. As the role of Internet companies and social media platforms on news publishing are becoming more and more prominent,debate over the nature and responsibility of platforms has become a thorny problem. Overall,the advertisement industry continued to perform well. The proportion of digital advertising is increasing,and mobile-end advertising exceeded that of PC-end for the first time in 2018. In terms of regulation,the main aspects concentrated on how to maintain and enhance the credibility of news,to regulate false information,to protect the interests of the audience (especially children and vulnerable groups) and to protect personal data rights. “Brexit” has a certain impact on the public’s attitude towards news and profit of publishing industry. From a historical perspective,the year 2018 is a specific period of uncertainty,which generates concerns over the future of journalism and negative contents brought by the Internet.



