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作者:夏添 出版日期:2019年11月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21900 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2018~2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2018~2019年,随着英国脱欧最终期限临近,脱欧成为英国政党政治中最主要的议题。保守党依然因脱欧具体安排存在重大分歧,由特雷莎·梅所主导的脱欧协议先后三次被议会否决,梅迫于压力辞去首相一职,硬脱欧派代表鲍里斯·约翰逊赢得党魁选举接任首相。工党在脱欧问题上仍较为被动、立场模糊,从支持“软脱欧”到有限度地支持举行第二次公投,左右摇摆,也反映出工党在当下所面临的选举政治困境。围绕脱欧的争论超越了英国传统的左右分野的阶级、党派政治,在脱欧久拖不决的... 展开



Abstract:Brexit has become the dominant issue in the UK party politics during 2018-2019 as the deadline approaches. The Conservatives have been deeply divided over the details of Brexit arrangements. Theresa May resigned after her deal had been rejected by parliament for the third time. Labour still holds a vague and passive position on the issues of Brexit and shifted its position from supporting soft Brexit to a second referendum,which has ... 展开

Abstract:Brexit has become the dominant issue in the UK party politics during 2018-2019 as the deadline approaches. The Conservatives have been deeply divided over the details of Brexit arrangements. Theresa May resigned after her deal had been rejected by parliament for the third time. Labour still holds a vague and passive position on the issues of Brexit and shifted its position from supporting soft Brexit to a second referendum,which has also reflected its dilemma in the electoral politics. The debates over Brexit have transcended the traditional divisions between parties and social classes. During the protracted Brexit process,party politics in the UK is likely to become more divided and fragmented. As Boris Johnson came to power,the possibility of Britain leaving the EU with no deal has increased,and Britain’s society,economy and politics have been faced with greater risks and uncertainties.


