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作者:任远喆 张航 出版日期:2019年09月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16570 字 所属丛书:中国学术期刊综合评价数据库(... 所属图书:中国周边外交学刊(2017年第二辑 总第六辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:渔业合作是南海海上合作的重要组成部分。近年来,南海地区丰富的渔业资源面临着过度捕捞、海上执法争端加剧等风险。为此,南海地区建立起了一系列渔业合作机制,中国也同相关国家开展了多项双边、多边的渔业合作。随着南海地区秩序的变化,渔业问题成为一些国家牵制中国的重要议题。中国“渔民威胁论”“渔业责任论”等论调开始出现。当前渔业问题已成为中国与周边国家关系的“试金石”,渔业合作是实现周边命运共同体的路径之一。为此,应该加快理念转变、实践创新、制度... 展开



Abstract:Fishery cooperation is an important part of maritime cooperation in the South China Sea.In recent years,over-fishing and exacerbation of disputes on maritime legal enforcement in this region have become a serious threat to the rich fisher resources in the South China Sea region.Therefore,a series of fishery cooperation mechanisms have been established in this region.In addition,China has been operating a multiple of bilateral and m... 展开

Abstract:Fishery cooperation is an important part of maritime cooperation in the South China Sea.In recent years,over-fishing and exacerbation of disputes on maritime legal enforcement in this region have become a serious threat to the rich fisher resources in the South China Sea region.Therefore,a series of fishery cooperation mechanisms have been established in this region.In addition,China has been operating a multiple of bilateral and multilateral fishery cooperation schemes with relevant countries in this region.In pace with the change of regional order in the South China Sea area,fishery has become an important issue that is employed by some countries to check and counterbalance China.There appear some hostile views towards China,such as “the threat of Chinese fishermen” and “the responsibility of fisher”.At present the issue of fishery has become a touchstone to test China's relations with its neighboring countries and fishery cooperation has become one of the major paths to realize the idea of a community of common destiny in China's neighboring areas.Therefore,some work is needed to be done on the perceptional transformation,practical innovation,and institutional construction,so as to achieve peace and stability in the South China Sea area through fisher cooperation.



