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作者:牛何兰 出版日期:2019年09月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:19605 字 所属丛书:国际禁毒蓝皮书 所属图书:国际禁毒研究报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:20世纪80年代以来,在国际毒潮的侵袭下,境外毒品不断从云南边境地区渗透并流入中国,造成巨大危害。云南毗邻“金三角”毒源地的特殊地理位置,导致境内外贩毒集团把云南作为毒品消费市场和走私通道,因毒品过境消费引发的违法犯罪活动与日俱增。毒品问题影响了中国边境安全和经济发展,并阻碍了中国与“一带一路”沿线国家的国际合作。云南边境毒品问题,不是一个单纯的国内和省内问题,与整个国际毒品问题有着密切关系,是当今国际毒品问题的组成部分。面对“金三角”毒... 展开



Abstract:Under growing international influence since the 1980s,drugs began to flow into China continuously through the border areas in Yunnan Province,causing great damage to the country. Due to Yunnan’s special geographic location of being adjacent to the Golden Triangle,a source area of drugs,criminal groups regard Yunnan as a consumer market and a trafficking route,with the result that criminal activities related to drug consumption i... 展开

Abstract:Under growing international influence since the 1980s,drugs began to flow into China continuously through the border areas in Yunnan Province,causing great damage to the country. Due to Yunnan’s special geographic location of being adjacent to the Golden Triangle,a source area of drugs,criminal groups regard Yunnan as a consumer market and a trafficking route,with the result that criminal activities related to drug consumption increased constantly. Drug issues have a great negative impact on border security and economic development in this region,and they also hinder international cooperation among the countries along the Belt and Road Initiative. Drug issues in the Yunnan border area are not only confined to Yunnan or China,but also implicate other international issues. With the threats posed to China’s national security by the Golden Triangle,it is imperative to respond to and manage the drug situation in order to maintain national security.


