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作者:戴冬梅 陆建平 出版日期:2019年09月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:32973 字 所属丛书:法国蓝皮书 所属图书:法国发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文基于一种现实主义视角,主张法国第五共和国期间的法美关系,可以以2003年导致法美陷入最严重双边危机的伊拉克战争为截止点,分割为“经典戴高乐主义”和“新戴高乐主义”两个阶段。在“经典戴高乐主义”阶段,法国实质作为修正主义国,奉行“不站队主义”,主要通过挑战和制衡美国霸权,树立和维护法国的大国地位、国家利益和身份认同,历时半个世纪左右。在“新戴高乐主义”阶段,法国实质转型为守成主义国,实质与美“站队”,通过接受和配合美国霸权,同时否定和制... 展开



Abstract:From a realist perspective,this article argues that the French-American relations in the era of the Fifth Republic of France can be divided into a period of classic Gaulism and a period of neo-Gaulism,with the 2003 Iraq war that resulted in the most consequential crisis between the two countries serving as the defining watershed moment. During the classic Gaulism period,France primarily acted as a revisionist power and pursued non-... 展开

Abstract:From a realist perspective,this article argues that the French-American relations in the era of the Fifth Republic of France can be divided into a period of classic Gaulism and a period of neo-Gaulism,with the 2003 Iraq war that resulted in the most consequential crisis between the two countries serving as the defining watershed moment. During the classic Gaulism period,France primarily acted as a revisionist power and pursued non-alignment,seeking as it did to establish and maintain,over a period of some 50 years,its grandeur,its national interest and its national identity by primarily challenging and balancing US hegemony. During the ongoing neo-Gaulism period,France has substantially converted herself into a status quo player and prosecuted alignment,and attempts to maintain its influence and its capability of projecting power by accepting and co-opting US hegemony while negating and balancing emerging powers. Macron’s goverment has proved a shepherd and promoter of this atlantisist turn. France’s paradigmatic turn from non-alignment towards alignment is arguably driven by a trio of structural factors. They are the deepening of the strategic asymmetry between France and US,the deepening of the strategic asymmetry between Europe and US and the de-occidentalization of the system of international politics. French-American relations are apparently embracing a pro-American long cycle.



