文章摘要:建立第六共和国的呼声由来已久,近期要求建立第六共和国的呼声再起。这是因为第五共和国政体在发展法国经济和社会方面的功能在减退,第五共和国政体的弊端越来越严重,第五共和国总统过度集权和存在个人作风问题,从而促使政界和民间要求革新现行政体。第六共和国制度的主要内容是实行议会制和比例选举制,而第三共和国和第四共和国的历史证明这种政体的弊端更加严重。实事求是地讲,第五共和国及其政体存在的60年中,法国经历了阿尔及利亚问题、1968年“五月风暴”、两次... 展开
Abstract:The call for the establishment of the Sixth Republic has been around for a long time,and the recent call for the establishment of the Sixth Republic has revived. This is because the Fifth Republic’s polity cannot meet the demands of France’s current economic and social development functions. The disadvantages of the Fifth Republic’s polity are proven increasingly serious. The President of the Fifth Republic is considered to be ove... 展开