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作者:朱天祥 王宇航 出版日期:2019年07月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14708 字 所属丛书:新型南南合作蓝皮书 所属图书:金砖国家合作发展报告(2019) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为新兴市场国家和发展中国家群体性崛起的典型代表,金砖国家经由三大路径推动新时期的南南合作,具有重大的现实意义。首先,扩大和深化金砖五国相互之间的实质性合作是核心路径,它将在国内国际两大层面和政治经济两大领域为南南合作奠定坚实的内核基础;其次,创新和拓展金砖国家与其他新兴市场国家和发展中国家的对话与合作是扩展路径,它将通过“金砖+”对话机制为南南合作构筑更加广泛的伙伴关系网络;最后,引领和改善南方国家与北方国家之间的政治对话与经济合作... 展开



Abstract:As the typical representatives of the emerging markets and developing countries in the rising process,it is of great practical significance for BRICS to promote South-South cooperation in the new era through three major paths. Firstly,expanding and deepening the substantive cooperations among BRICS countries is the core path,which will lay a solid foundation for South-South cooperation at both the domestic and international levels ... 展开

Abstract:As the typical representatives of the emerging markets and developing countries in the rising process,it is of great practical significance for BRICS to promote South-South cooperation in the new era through three major paths. Firstly,expanding and deepening the substantive cooperations among BRICS countries is the core path,which will lay a solid foundation for South-South cooperation at both the domestic and international levels as well as in the political and economic fields. Secondly,creating and enlarging the dialogues and cooperations between BRICS and the other emerging markets and developing countries is the expanded path,which will enrich the partnership networks of South-South cooperation through the “BRICS+” mechanism. Finally,guiding and improving political dialogues and economic cooperations between the countries of the South and the North is the extended path,which will strive to build a community of South and North with shared destiny to provide a better external environment for South-South cooperation. The above three major paths are relatively independent while interrelated to each other,which helps BRICS to promote an effective,orderly and favorable new situation of South-South cooperation.



